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Author Topic: Hi !if People don't talk to each other this won't stay alive!!Don't be a Lurker  (Read 17857 times)

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Offline Bonnie aka blnzrfn

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Hello all lets get some chatter on ;D
"as seen in Smoke and Fire News ;"


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I don't lurk...okay. maybe I do around slot machines (RE: Friends)  but me and my flamingos have been having great conversations, although their knowledge of history is pretty limited...Don't mind me, I just had a root canal go bad and the vicodin is making ALOT of things talk right now.
Don't get me started on my dog's(Hellmutt) opinion on the whole "Real reason for the War of 1812"......
the flamingos are my minions.

Offline Sturmkatze

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Might as well ask what you think of the new colour scheme? Also, I added the ability to simply post a youtube video and I made the area at the bottom show the last 10 posts vs. the last 3... thoughts, ideas, etc.?!?!  ;)
Marsh Wise
My blog (boring!!):
-1./J.R. 23
-Legio IX Hispana

Alteris renumera duplum de quoquo tibi numeraverunt

Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress... But then I repeat myself.


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I am sooooo new to computers, I am definitely NOT the one to ask what I think on things. For example, what new colors?  I can't even figure out how to use all these script/color change and nifty gadgets that are just above the message thingy.  I am also having a difficult time following different places that I've posted in the past.  I'm just confused.  My hubby (Rockman) is helping me where he can, but again, both of us are very computer illiterate and are learning very slowly. I can tell you honestly, though, that he thinks the site is the greatest thing since sliced bread, beaten only by his visits to the Bernard Cornwell site (Sharp's author).
I'm finding this pretty cool, but not alot of contributors, alot of "viewers"...kind of creeps me out.
As to the utube? just can't figure that out just yet :-\
the flamingos are my minions.

Offline Sturmkatze

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I am sooooo new to computers, I am definitely NOT the one to ask what I think on things. For example, what new colors?
The site is now more of a green colour. Also, some art above instead of text.

I can't even figure out how to use all these script/color change and nifty gadgets that are just above the message thingy.
Okay, first, there's a "help" area... if you're on the main page, there's a row of buttons there?one of them is click it... it has a lot of actually good info on how to use the board. As far as the text colours, usually you have to highlight the text to change, THEN click the button. For more on formatting text, go here. Also, in the help area, notice there are some more links across the top of that... on how to post, personal message, etc.

I am also having a difficult time following different places that I've posted in the past. I'm just confused.
It should send you an e-mail when you are replied to... to go back and look, I think there's a link to show all your posts. I don't use it much, so I'd have to dig for it. Also, on the main page there, you'll see the icons along the left of 2 swords... if there's no new post, it will just be two bare swords, if there's new content (someone has posted since YOU last logged in or lokked there), it will have a blue background to the swords... How's that??

My hubby (Rockman) is helping me where he can, but again, both of us are very computer illiterate and are learning very slowly. I can tell you honestly, though, that he thinks the site is the greatest thing since sliced bread, beaten only by his visits to the Bernard Cornwell site (Sharp's author).
Don't worry -- we've ALL been there. It's just that some of us have been doing it longer.  :P Youst go and post and have fun. One thing I will say, if you write something long or involved, before you hit that "post" button, copy ALL the text in  the "writing" window... ALL of it. Highlight it, then push down the "ctrl" key and "C" to copy... that way if the system lose sit or something (and it DOES happen on these boards) you can just paste it back into the window and not lose what you wrote... it will save you some serious rage! Oh yeah, the paste is "ctrl" + "V".   ;)

I'm finding this pretty cool, but not alot of contributors, alot of "viewers"...kind of creeps me out.
What creeps you out? That a lot of people will read what you write? Or that there's not a lot of contributors? THat's the way of the 'Net...

As to the utube? just can't figure that out just yet :-\
Ahhh, if you find a utube video you really want to post, let me know and I'll walk you through it...

So, how's that? Feel better? Here, have a cookie  :D
Marsh Wise
My blog (boring!!):
-1./J.R. 23
-Legio IX Hispana

Alteris renumera duplum de quoquo tibi numeraverunt

Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress... But then I repeat myself.

Offline Rockman

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Thanx for the instructions!  Though it will still probably take us a while to get acclimated to all this techno stuff.   We've only been hooked up to the web for a little over a year, now..... probably due to my natural aversion to gadgetry, and anxiety about being "assimilated into the collective".....   (--still not entirely sure that won't happen......)  All in good time, I guess.  Anyway, the new colors look great!
Howdy there!  I'm Oedipus Tex! --You may have heard of my brother Rex....

Offline Bonnie aka blnzrfn

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 ;'s blnzrfn(posted about woman stuff and the my husband at the Feast)I posted the" lurker " comments hope I didn't offend anyone it was ment to be funny ;D My husband doesn't get my humor either... lol ... any way ;D  ( My limited computer expirence is limited to the E-Mail thing..oh and online shopping)        Resistance is Futile
« Last Edit: October 21, 2007, 08:19:52 PM by blnzrfn »
"as seen in Smoke and Fire News ;"


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It's sad when people don't get your sense of humor, isn't it?  My sisters and I all have the same warped sense of humor.  I  always thought my hubby married me so that he could be in on the family humor ;D
My sister Jami and I spent a summer back in 1999 in Colonial Williamsburg, working various jobs.  Angela Trowbridge (from Burnley and Trowbridge, 18th c. fabric sutlers) thought we were a stitch!!  I have to admit, though, I do have the slower wit compared to my sisters.
By the way, did you and your family camp at the Feast or did you just day trip it?
the flamingos are my minions.

Offline Bonnie aka blnzrfn

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Just the day..Tim had to work Sun...I was looking for someone, anyone from the Scottish group I used to belong to but saw no one...So much had changed since the last time I camped(about 8 years ago)It seemed alot more venders and alot less campers...I don't know maybe its just me....I would love to camp at the Feast but  I heard that after things got flooded that time they've gotten strichter.That was like I said 8 or so years ago....I dont realy know.....I would love to camp at the Feast if I could find a group that will have us...LOL...I love Reenactments...Done this and that (French&Scottish&Buckskinning) :laugh:                                                      My humor tends to be snarky  & be alittle on the warped side.....I tease my husbans because its so easy to make him laugh over the goofyest things.. I tell him he's so funny he makes himself laugh..He's such a goofball...
"as seen in Smoke and Fire News ;"

Offline Bonnie aka blnzrfn

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    ;D  Hello   ;D
Hello people 900 or so people have veiwed this thats 900 or more chances to say something !!  ;D
Come on ya know you wanta!!!   >:D 
« Last Edit: April 19, 2008, 08:18:56 PM by blnzrfn »
"as seen in Smoke and Fire News ;"