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RevWar Loyalist Units

Reenacting units portraying British Loyalist Units

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The Queen's Rangers are a unit out of Toronto, Ont. Canada. During the American Revolution they were raised out of Rogers Rangers for Queen Charlotte, George III's wife, and commanded under John Graves Simcoe who would later become the Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada. During the War the Rangers provided escort and patrol duty around Philadelphia, fought in the Pennsylvania Campaign, served as rearguard during the British retreat to New York, fought in New Jersey, South Carolina, and at the Battle of Yorktown. After the war the Unit was disbanded and the Rangers were sent to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

In 1791 when Simcoe was named the Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada the Queen's Rangers were revived to form the main defenses for the area. They were also instrumental in building roads in Upper Canada. They built Yonge St., Dundas St., and Kingston Road. As well as Fort York where they were stationed. They were again disbanded in 1802.

Today in the Canadian Armed Forces there is a Unit named after the original Queen's Rangers called the Queen's York Rangers. Out of this unit we have recreated the Queen's Rangers Historical Guard. We are a part of the British Brigade, as well as the Northern Brigade in Canada. Our Unit is looking for men and women of any age who have an interest in history and who enjoy camping. Our Unit has two sections of Rangers Light Company, and Highlanders. If you would like more information about the Rangers feel free to email,
Jim Millard: or
Gordon Semple: or Chris Duncan:

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