The commissioned officer ranks in the British Army from 1740-1815 were almost entirely composed of the affluent and educated - the sons of the landed gentry, the wealthy, and other professional people. This title looks at the enlistment, training, daily life and combat experiences of the typical British officer in the crucial periods of the North American conflicts, the American Revolution, and the Napoleonic Wars. It compliments the author's previous treatments in Warrior 19 British Redcoat 1740-93 and Warrior 20 British Redcoat (2) 1793-1815, which deal exclusively with the common infantryman, and balances these discussions through a look at the 'fellows in silk stockings'. Particular emphasis is placed on the experiences and activities in North America in the late 18th century.
The end of the American Revolution in 1783 confirmed the independence of the republic of the United States of America from Great Britain. Britain, however, still managed to make its presence felt in North America. Britain's Orders in Council concerning trade were a major irritant which, added to other issues including the sale of Louisiana and the impressment of American soldiers by the Royal Navy, finally caused the United States to declare war on 19 June 1812. This volume examines in detail the organisation, tactics and equipment of the British forces between 1793 and 1815.
The War of 1812 was the true making of the regular regiments and corps of the US Army. Three years' fighting against Britain saw the White House burned down, but also the bloody repulse of the redcoats, then the best infantry in the world, on a number of battlefields. The small constabulary force which entered the war - ill-led, ill-supported, and with an uncertain system of supply - ended it as a professional army with a system of command and services equal to any. This meticulous history of the uniforms of the American regulars is illustrated with many previously unseen paintings and photographs.
Nice British description of the war... Horse puckey! Britain didn't respect the United States and thought it okay to disrespect our Navy and the rights of American Citizens. Guess who won this one too.
Here's the British description: Typically the United States is said to have declared war on Great Britain in 1812 because of the Royal Navy's impressment of American seamen and the British desire to create an Indian buffer state. An Englishman William Cobbett, described the real cause of the conflict: 'There seemed to be wanting just such a war as this to complete the separation of England from America; and to make the latter feel that she had no safety against the former but in the arms of her free citizens.' Regardless of the reasons, however, on 4 June 1812, U.S.President James Madison, asked Congress to declare war.
The development of US Army infantry equipment has been a story of trial and error, of adopting new designs to meet new problems. It was not until 1910 that a whole system of equipment, including everything from the waist belts to the canteens to the cartridge-carriers to the haversack, was officially adopted. Prior to that, each piece of equipment was designed to meet a specific need, without any consideration of anything else the soldier had to carry. Packed with photographs and illustrations, this book explores the history of US Infantry equipments from 1775 to 1910, covering everything from blankets to bayonets.